We hope to answer questions that you may have (see below), but if we have failed to answer yours, please feel free to contact our Church office by email or by phone at 772-465-1187.
Considering a visit to Lakewood Park Church? If so, we hope you’ll find the answers to these frequently asked questions helpful. If you have a question not answered below, please contact us at secretary@lakewoodpark.church or call the church office at 772.465.1187. We hope to see you soon!
Worship Services @ Lakewood Park Church
When and where are services? We offer a mixed intergenerational Worship Service on Sundays at 10:30AM in our church building.
How can I watch worship live or view past services online? Click here.
Where can I park? You are welcome to park in any of the designated spaces along the church and along the Family Life Center. We have special guest parking right up front too! Additional parking is also available on the grass where marked.
How do I know where to go when I get there? We have a wonderful team of greeters that will help you find your way to the church building.
What should I wear? This church is home to believers of all different backgrounds. People wear a wide range of attire from jeans or shorts to dresses and suits. Please wear what makes you most comfortable.
What do you have available for children during worship? Children are welcome at any and all of our worship services. For those that wish their children to remain with them during worship, we offer activity bags for them to enjoy. We also offer and encourage children to join our Children's Minister for Children's Church (occurs right after the Children's Moment during the main worship service).
How does the church strive to keep children and youth safe? Children and youth are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Since its inception The Global Methodist Church has mandated that each local congregation have a child/youth protection policy (“CYPP”). All employees and volunteers within the local church who work with children or youth are required to review and acknowledge their church’s CYPP on an annual basis. As part of that, all volunteers must be background checked routinely.
What's Next?
How do I meet people? There are many ways to meet people as you become engaged in the ministry of the church, including community groups, classes, and service opportunities. For help getting connected, contact us at secretary@lakewoodpark.church or call the church office at 772.465.1187.
Can I get involved in the life of the church without becoming a member? You are welcome here no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. You do not have to be a member to participate in worship, activities, community groups or classes.
What are the steps to membership? We invite you to Coffee with the Pastor (occurring the first Sunday of every month) to learn about the church, it's ministries, and membership expectations. Following Coffee with the Pastor there is a 1-hour membership class required of all who wish to become members these typically happen the second Sunday of the month.